Tuesday, August 13

Summer Week Five and Six


Dear Under The Oaks and Jekyll Island,

    You were the perfect way to wrap up my entirely too short summer. 

Thank you for the calm of a backporch and the early morning hint if mosquitoes would be on the prowl, based on the sway (or lack of sway) of your beautifully draped Spanish Moss.

Thank you for your "honey hole" that allowed frequent spottings of 
Roseate Spoonbills and Mr. Crunch, the raccoon.

Thank you for your island visitors, aka Parental Unit, that made the daily deer count more competitive and all around made Happy Hour more happy (Kingston Trio!).

Thank you for opening your shores to the excitement of LDC's first salt water open cast reel.

(my most favorite pic from the trip)

(second most favorite pic from the trip)
"The fishing was good; it was the catching that was bad."
 - A.K. Best

Thank you for allowing us to feed Puddles the Terrapin and learning that alligators loose stripes after five years of age...and they are the only reptile that provides protection to their young.

Thank you for the time and stillness to be able to enjoy the slow reveal of an unfurling frond.

Pass the Sunscreen Lisa

Dear LDC,
You're the piña to my colada.
Thanks for an amazing Summer 2024
"Sittin' in the mornin' sun / I'll be sittin' when the evenin' comes.
— Otis Redding (and your mama)