Monday, December 25

Easy, Moderate, Difficult, Strenuous

Fall Break Backpacking Trip
Oct 2023

Paris Mountain State Park

North Lake
Site #2

For a hike-in site to have a p-i-c-n-i-c table.
Ahhhhhhh- slice of luxury.

Needlepoint with a view....

Journaling and a nap in the sunshine to follow...

And what every backpacker crosses their fingers for...
waking up to sunshine, as to not have a heavy wet tent to carry.

So the trails we hiked on were identified as easy, moderate, difficult and strenuous.
On the way TO the issues...definitely not "strenuous".

 On the way BACK. 
Another story.


Hard candy treats.
Singing...while huffing and puffing.
Playing twenty questions.
One foot after the other.

LDC, "Mom, let me get your picture. Why don't you sit on the tree?".
Me, "If I sit down, your mother will not be able to get up.".

 “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” – Beverly Sills