Tuesday, May 19

wrapping up the school year

As our  2019-20 school year starts to wrap up I am not sure what long term memories I will hold, from this new educational chapter called Distance Learning.  

What is fresh in my mind were the positive little things like

 frequent "brain breaks" to go on neighborhood Teddy Bear Hunts
chalk art in the driveway to hopefully bring smiles to the gazillion walkers that stroll by daily
 Trolls World Tour viewing party, from the couch
creativity to work with what you have in the fridge and pantry (we have somewhat made a dent in our 25 pound bag of rice)
daily P.E., Coach Mommy
pretty much every corner of our house has been cleaned

we haven't participated in honking neighborhood car parades or home hair cuts....yet...not sure if Andy can take it much longer- the hair cut that is.

Happy Hour
routinely moved a wee bit earlier in the day

guitar lessons through Zoom

the guest bathroom became Andy's trial gardens for work

one thing keeping him sane is keeping our yard looking immaculate
multiple daily garden checks

things are blooming!

A favorite memory from our Spring Break staycation:
playing in the rain on Easter Sunday.

“storms make trees take deeper roots”

Side note: As a teacher this 59 second video is hysterical.