Sunday, May 1

We gotta go... Let it Go

Every week.  
(actually almost every day since mid August 2015)
I state to the family, "We gotta go".

On Friday at 5:30PM when we were hustling into the car to get to Girl Scouts in time, after scarfing down dinner, I turned around and declared to LDC,
"Aren't you tired of me always saying, We gotta go"?

So to a Saturday of...
Let it Go
We revamped the fairy garden on our kitchen table so the fairy house has some extra pixie dust (aka glitter glue) and a creek
We added strawberries, fresh from the garden, into our morning muffins
We watched a cork patiently
"The fishing was good; it was the catching that was bad".- A.K. Best
We indulged in ice cream
slathered on sunscreen
Let It Go Saturday
30 April 2016