Thursday, July 3

Vulture Awareness Day- 1st Saturday in Sept. and "I can do it!"

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...' "  I. Asimov

My waterfall.  The end product of flushed toilets (Athens Clarke County Water Reclamation).

Her waterfall (at a SC state park).
Day 12 of my summer started off by learning:
how cow carcasses can be utilized in compost,
 the history of public trash collection that started with the Mafia's need to hide dead bodies,
and that Athens GA holds a "Vulture Awareness Day" at its dump.
The class is now done with and I have a plethora of new environmental science material to share with the students in August.
Athens Solid Waste Landfill (with vultures)
While I was "away at school" for a week LDC vacationed at Granise and Grandpa's.

In other news...
The Chesson kiddos are getting ready to expand their basketball team come this winter.  Baby #6. Aunt Lisa thinks it will be a: Boy
Uncle Andy thinks it will be a: Girl
LDC: Girl
We have a three year old going on thirteen...