Saturday, January 28

Sweet 16

LDC just turned 16 months. 

Month 15 was FULL of new experiences and showing off some terrific skills.  Some highlights...   

Her first haircut                                                 

Being able to now sport the pigtails

Playing the drums by herself-looking tough and all.

Carrying anything with a strap- dog leash, cloth grocery bags, buckle of a shoe, etc.

Less babble and more words in month 15.
Tela has been gaining weight this January from all the accidents during EVERY meal.
LDC is fond of saying Uh Oh when she "accidentally" drops food on the floor. Followed by the facial expression above.

Lots of coloring.  LOTS.

                                   And finally, my favorite picture from month 15....
The two of us have spent a gazillion hours in this rocking chair.  My heart melted when I saw the above sight.
She had crawled up in the chair all by herself and was rocking away--with her green pacifier in her mouth, from the day she came home from the hospital.
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