Thursday, December 29

Alphanumeric Signs for Navigation and Safety

This past July I set out with bug spray, a map and my daughter in a stroller.
Our goal was to explore Hitchcock Woods.
The Aiken urban forest covers 2,100 acres and has almost 70 miles of trails.

Less than 15 minutes into our hike I was already clueless where we were on the map, a sign posted for "quicksand" didn't help comfort me and I was pouring sweat trying to push a stroller on sandy trails.  We turned around and headed home.  We haven't been back...until now.

Christmas weekend 2011

I know, quicksand in Aiken--crazy.

Horses and more horses-which is just kinda different for us.

Tela was LOVING life with all the smells.
They use a drag bag instead of a live animals for the hunt...IF you actually call dogs chasing after a drag bag a hunt. Each their own.

Carriage trail markers ever so often.

Trail markers...
The trail signs are high up on the trees to cater to those on horseback (we are in Aiken).
Yes, Andy had the map but we were still clueless where exactly our location was. 
There are a gazillion unmarked trails.

Due to the gazillion unmarked trails, there are frequent markers of different colors, letters and numbers (aka  Alphanumeric Signs for Navigation and Safety) case you call in lost to the police.


2,085ish more acres of urban forest to go.

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