Saturday, December 10

Pluff Mud

The birthday boy, with LDC, waiting for the ferry to arrive.
Once on board the catamaran- we began winding through the marsh, 
passing Willets, Spartina, periwinkles and
breathing in "some of the cleanest air in the United States".
Our destination was the ocean side of Bull Island South Carolina.
Low tide and knobbed whelks awaited us.
As well as the following humorous situation... 


It's not sand
It is pluff mud
"According to legend, the mud was used to fertilize cotton fields that had become depleted of nutrients. This garnered the alternate spelling of “plough.” ...
Pluff mud has a vacuum-induced sucking power that would make James Dyson envious. You can’t really call yourself a Charlestonian until you have sacrificed a shoe or two to its gooey, vise-like clutch. The constancy of the mud vacillates wildly over the course of a few feet. Within a single step, ankle deep can become mid thigh or worse. Like quicksand, pluff mud draws you deeper the more you struggle."
Deciding to for-go the vise-like clutch.
November 26, 2016