Saturday, August 24


First week in the books.

What made the Fri-yay even better was knowing friends were on their way from Charlotte, ready to wind down and play by the pool.

Delicious drinks and indulgent sweets were gifted.

AND tripling wearing during the weekend was in full effect.

(we even indulged on Crumbl cookies during breakfast.....shhhhhh)
Yep, threeling outfits continued.

"Distance means so little, when someone means so much.”
Tom McNeal

Tuesday, August 13

Summer Week Five and Six


Dear Under The Oaks and Jekyll Island,

    You were the perfect way to wrap up my entirely too short summer. 

Thank you for the calm of a backporch and the early morning hint if mosquitoes would be on the prowl, based on the sway (or lack of sway) of your beautifully draped Spanish Moss.

Thank you for your "honey hole" that allowed frequent spottings of 
Roseate Spoonbills and Mr. Crunch, the raccoon.

Thank you for your island visitors, aka Parental Unit, that made the daily deer count more competitive and all around made Happy Hour more happy (Kingston Trio!).

Thank you for opening your shores to the excitement of LDC's first salt water open cast reel.

(my most favorite pic from the trip)

(second most favorite pic from the trip)
"The fishing was good; it was the catching that was bad."
 - A.K. Best

Thank you for allowing us to feed Puddles the Terrapin and learning that alligators loose stripes after five years of age...and they are the only reptile that provides protection to their young.

Thank you for the time and stillness to be able to enjoy the slow reveal of an unfurling frond.

Pass the Sunscreen Lisa

Dear LDC,
You're the piƱa to my colada.
Thanks for an amazing Summer 2024
"Sittin' in the mornin' sun / I'll be sittin' when the evenin' comes.
— Otis Redding (and your mama)

Sunday, July 28

Summer Week 4 birdie, par and bogey

If you could crawl into this picture you would experience 101 degrees.

"How would you rate Golf Camp?"- me
"It was a 5 out of 10 experience"- LDC
"Why that rating?"- me
"I liked hanging out with my friends, learning about golf, and getting yummy lunches but I didn't like it happened during summer because it was too hot."-LDC
Roger that.

Sunday, June 23

Summer Week 3, permission slip to be lazy

Let's see.
This past week included
learning how to grill

 following dinner the time to say, 
"LDC why don't you make a caramel sauce for our vanilla ice cream?"

my co-worker from Jekyll, Greg, stopping through to catch up and
(dragon fly on his hat)

sweat it up in Hitchcock Woods 
(The Red Cliffs)

a Strawberry Moon at the rodeo 

and a sweet back porch birthday party for Brownie.

(best guinea pig mom ever)

Tuesday, June 18

Week Two, The Great Outdoors

Camp #2

LDC was able to secure a slot for G&G camp.

She was over the moon to be able to attend this top notch specialty overnight camp.

The head counselor is pictured on the far right.  Campers call him Grandpa.

Campers were able to learn new skills and interact with nature as they engaged in physical and social activities––and create memories that will last a lifetime.

In addition the head cook, Granise, had cookies, granola bars, candy, ice cream and according to the camper LDC- "really really good food" plentiful.
(THREE s'mores were allowed around the campfire. Scandalous.)

Campers created boats for the annual Lonesome Hollow Creek Race. Although no prizes were given out, from what I heard, bragging rights reign.
2024 Winner

Campers also enjoyed hilarious movie making and a plethora of selfies.

Now while G&G Camp was in session, I had registered for Momcation off I went to....

The Great Smoky Mountain National Parks

For years I have had my eye on the Mt. LeConte (via Alum Cave) Trail.
(Exposed rock ledges, hand cables, and  "strenuous" aren't kid friendly thus the trail being on the back burner for so long.)

So before dawn I secured a parking spot at the popular trail head, pulled out the camping stove, made myself coffee and enjoyed breakfast as the sun started to rise. Once the sun greeted the mountains, up and up (and up and up) I went.

Rocking chairs are on the back porch!
A spot to change into new socks and only a wee bit farther to climb...

Mission accomplished
View from the Cliff Tops

What did I do when I arrived back to my camp site?
Crawled straight into the tent and took a 45 minute nap. Then soaked my knees in the icy cold Chasteen Creek while sipping a white wine spritzer.  Keep in mind, Momcation.

Next day.

My knees were still working just fine so headed to Newfoundland Gap to jump on the AT and delighted in following the white trail blazers.

(Didn't get to Maine though.)

What would your thru hiking name be??

"Man has created some lovely dwellings- some soul-stirring literature.  He has done much to alleviate physical pain.  But he has not...created a substitute for a sunset, a grove of pines, the music of the winds, the dank smell of the deep forest, or the sky beauty of a wildflower." Harvey Broome, Naturalist

Wrapped up Momcation not walking but floating in a deep soaking tub.

Sunday, June 16

Week One, Summer is upon us

Summer Week One

"...I believe that this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn. Therefore, I believe in work, hard work..." -The Auburn Creed
LDC and I headed to Alabama for her week at swim camp.

I didn't take her last year so this was my first time in Auburn in over 14 years.  I am positive she was tired of me saying, "Wow, that wasn't here when I was here last".
(For example, scanning a QR code in order for us to jump on and ride scooters on the Concourse...wee bit of a learning curve.)

After getting her settled in, I headed down to Panama City Beach with a zero agenda...except to meet up with three besties.

“Friendships between women, as any woman will tell you, are built of a thousand small kindnesses... swapped back and forth and over again.” - M.O.